Month January 2025

Classes in Python

Introduction Classes are the foundation of object orient programming (OOP). Class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines a set of attributes (data) and methods (functions) that objects of that class will have. They allow you to model real…

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Processing in Python

Introduction Multiprocessing is a technique that allows you to run multiple processes concurrently, each with its own Python interpreter and memory space. Why Use Multiprocessing? Key Concepts When to Use Threading Module Creating a Process: You can create a process…

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Threading in python

Introduction Threading refers to the ability of a program to manage multiple threads of execution within a single process. A thread is a sequence of instructions within a program that can be executed independently of other threads. Threading allows multiple…

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Different Ways to Handle Errors in Python

Error handling is a crucial aspect of writing robust python code. Python provides several ways to handle errors and exceptions gracefully. This blog explores various techniques to manage errors effectively in Python. Try-Except Block: This is the fundamental way to…

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Different types of functions in Python

Functions are one of the most essential features of python programming. They allow you to organize your code, make it reusable and create more modular programs. In this blog, we will explore different types of functions you can create in…

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