Airflow Installation

Below are given steps to install airflow on ubuntu system

sudo apt update

after update command lets upgrade

sudo apt upgrade

create python virtual environment

sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv environment_name
source environment_name/bin/activate

after successfully created virtual environment lets install airflow

pip install apache-airflow==2.1.0
pip install wheel
airflow db init

create user for airflow run below command

airflow users create -u user_name -p password -f first_name -l last_name -r Admin -e

once user created start webserver open 2 terminal in same environment in terminal-1 run

airflow webserver

it will show some URL which look like as past this in your browser it will show login form give your username and password which is you given in creating user.

in terminal-2 run

airflow scheduler

if all this run successfully . congratulation you can successfully installed Airflow on your ubuntu system. if you face any issue please write command below.

Thanks 😊👍

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